Sunday, April 6, 2008

Do You Want The Best Names For Dogs Theory? by Pete Meris

Choosing your dogs name is one of the most important decisions that you can make in your life concerning how your dog responds to you. Whether or not your dog is a puppy or a dog with some years on or even if you bought the dog from someone else. Having a name for your dog pertinent to the dog’s personality is vital.

Now I've brought up some issues about best names for dogs in that first paragraph that may raise your eyebrows but I will explain shortly what all of this means to you as a dog owner.
First things first, you must not confuse your dog. When you say something to your dog it should be clear, concise and to the point. Your dog must not hesitate in your commands and choosing best names for dogs is the reason to insure that your dog reacts the way you want him or her to do.

Dogs react more to vocal commands rather than verbal. I mean the inflection of the words must not be confusing to the dogs mind. The theory for best names for dogs comes from the premise that dogs must understand what and how you are giving commands.
How words sound to them is most important and must not be confused with other words in our language. For instance common words such as "no", "know", "blow” all sound the same but have different meanings altogether.

So if you name your dog "Joe" and you call your dog to come to you, your dog could get confused thinking you said "no" instead of "Joe” because they sound the same. Your dog could get totally confused and not respond favorably.

It's not the dogs fault; don't name your dog a name that could be confusing.
The best names for dog’s theory should go along the lines of naming your dog according to your dog’s personality. Now that may not come as quickly as you want but as you learn about your dog’s personality you could come up with something, I am sure about that.
You could go through a list of favorite names for dogs and see if your dog reacts to any one of these names is another way of selecting a name.

Now one more item of interest in the best names for dogs theory is that if you purchase a dog that already has a name that you should name it differently. Why? Since dogs can't talk you do not know the history that this dog has with his name. If your dog was abused verbally or physically, you would never know. Oh sure, you could call your dog by their predetermined name but do you know if the name has been associated with distrust and anger? No, you don't and you do not want to take the chance that the dog will remember the bad times with that name. For all that matters, your dog might associate you with the same crew that used his or her name before.

So when you get a new puppy or dog, give it a new name. Your dog and you will be happy with the results. Giving a new name to an established dog might take longer to accept but as long as you praise it, love it, and give affection with the new name your dog will respond to you well.
As you can see, giving a name to a dog is one of the most important foundational elements that you can do to insure a complete relationship. Knowing the psychology of a dog names insures that you will have a dog that will be obedient and one that you can be proud of.

If you want your dog to be a command dog then you have to sign up for a free information e-book that will give you some tips that just may astound you. If you're looking for dog collars or a better way to train your dog, go ahead and sign up to the master your dog newsletter and receive a ton of information that will help you control your dog at

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Talking Dogs?.........Oh My!